Appointment v1 - Customer site
Appointment v1 - Customer site
Make it easy for customers via an online booking system, check-in on arrival and get the service they need, with ease. Use a solution that joins up the whole process smoothly, for you and the customer, for fewer no-shows and a better use of your resources.
Select language
Select a service
Select a branch
Select an available date
Select an available time interval
Fill the customer data
Check and confirm the reservation details
Get reservation code
After clicking on the Next button, the system will create a reservation code
E-mail confirmation
The system will send an e-mail with the details of the reservation. The client must active the reservation, by clicking the confirmation link
Successfull confirmation
After clicking the link, the Q-net system will show a message, that the appointment is reserved successfully! At this point, the reservation is finished.
Receive the ticket at the branch
When the client arrives to the branch, he has to touch the Appointment button
A virtual numerical keypad will appear. The client can enter the reservation code and the dispenser will print a ticket with higher priority. The dispenser accepts the booking code 60 minutes before and 30 minutes after the appointment time. These are default values, it can be modified on the administration page.
The client will receive a ticket from the dispenser with high priority.